Bumbershoot Text

Bumbershoot....."A term that drips with poetry and magic", New York Times 1933.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Beauty In Joy

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2016
Within the murky, muddy waters....
Lotus grow.

It's custom here in China to not smile at strangers when walking on the street, taught this from childhood...why would you smile at someone you don't know?  As Americans...we do smile at strangers and the responses I find here are quite interesting.

Almost all the young people will smile back at me and almost all the middle aged men will also (being that I'm a woman and a foreigner may have a slight bearing on that second one).  Interesting though, I receive fewer smiles from the middle aged women.

The older folks are more of a mixed group...some will, some won't, but those who do, it's their expressions I love the most!  When they smile back at you a complete transformation takes place.  The cold hard exterior that's been left behind from a life of struggle and hardship melts away to pour joy.  Beauty so genuine it moves my heart every time I see it.

Joy is the expression of glad feelings, a state of happiness...it's also a choice.  I've found some of the most beautiful things grow in the most difficult places.

Monday, May 16, 2016


BumberShootStudio Paintings
Work In Progress

"The well water is good for drinking."
"But there are fish swimming in it" I said.
"Yes of course, the fish show us the water is good" they said.
"If the fish are dead...don't drink it."

Monday, May 9, 2016


BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2014
'Old Timer'

Years ago someone asked me what my passion was, I am very passionate about my marriage and my faith but they were not just referring to these areas.

Life is busy, it's busy for all of us. Jobs, children, ministry, we seldom take time to relax and have a moment for ourselves...there's just not enough of time in one day.
People who are 'passionate' about something though...will make the time for it, television and video games are not what we are talking about here.

This resonated with me because my brain seems permanently stuck in high gear with the adrenaline flow switch calibrated to maximum output. So I asked myself does anything else I know function at a quality level and at it's utmost capacity for a long period of time like this?

I had already been painting and really enjoyed it for many years, but only painted when I had free time. I decided to change that and make the time on a regular basis...taking time out of my calendar to do something that I find relaxing and enjoyable has benefited my health greatly.
Going through life in overdrive is a formula for disaster!

There is a fervor and longing that comes from developing a passion for something, you won't be looking for spare time to squeeze it in...It becomes a must!

About Me

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Watercolor Artist and Owner of BumberShootStudio Paintings. Interested in any of my work? Come visit my shop in Etsy.... BumberShootStudio.Etsy.com

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