Bumbershoot Text

Bumbershoot....."A term that drips with poetry and magic", New York Times 1933.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Fear Factor

BumberShootStudio Paintings
I was six or seven and in some sort of summer activity program for kids (must have been my parents doing). It included swimming...all kids love swimming. Problem was, I didn't know how (maybe that's why I was there).

Well, everyone else did know how so this put me in a real bad position, nobody wants to be the 'only one.'  I knew I could dog-paddle...some, just never been in water higher then my head, so I kept my mouth shut.

To my dismay and utter horror, we went right to the twelve foot pool and monster high dive, I was terrified! You know, heart pounding...light headed...I'm going to throw up terrified!

What was I going to do?
My brain was spinning! So I strategically positioned myself at the back of the line and prayed for the end of the world to come.

I stood there watching, fixated on the other kids, as they plummeted from what seemed like a twenty story high dive. Most would just jump off the board into the deep water and then bob back up moving their arms and legs like little frogs across a huge pond. I began to see a pattern I just couldn't get past the fear.

It was my turn. Still scared to death, now with my heart in my throat, I climbed the ladder, paused for what seemed like an eternity, took a deep breath...then jumped.

I learned to swim that day...
But more important, I learned that your fear does not have to define you.

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Watercolor Artist and Owner of BumberShootStudio Paintings. Interested in any of my work? Come visit my shop in Etsy.... BumberShootStudio.Etsy.com

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