Bumbershoot Text

Bumbershoot....."A term that drips with poetry and magic", New York Times 1933.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Fear Factor

BumberShootStudio Paintings
I was six or seven and in some sort of summer activity program for kids (must have been my parents doing). It included swimming...all kids love swimming. Problem was, I didn't know how (maybe that's why I was there).

Well, everyone else did know how so this put me in a real bad position, nobody wants to be the 'only one.'  I knew I could dog-paddle...some, just never been in water higher then my head, so I kept my mouth shut.

To my dismay and utter horror, we went right to the twelve foot pool and monster high dive, I was terrified! You know, heart pounding...light headed...I'm going to throw up terrified!

What was I going to do?
My brain was spinning! So I strategically positioned myself at the back of the line and prayed for the end of the world to come.

I stood there watching, fixated on the other kids, as they plummeted from what seemed like a twenty story high dive. Most would just jump off the board into the deep water and then bob back up moving their arms and legs like little frogs across a huge pond. I began to see a pattern I just couldn't get past the fear.

It was my turn. Still scared to death, now with my heart in my throat, I climbed the ladder, paused for what seemed like an eternity, took a deep breath...then jumped.

I learned to swim that day...
But more important, I learned that your fear does not have to define you.

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Blob

BumberShootStudio Paintings
What is it?
For some its a cult classic 1950s horror flick...
For others its the food on their dinner plate.
Then there are those who would say its a super villain or some sort of alien.

We conjure up many ideas of what this word is. It can mean unrelated things to different individuals. Many times its a feeling, I feel like a blob especially when I don't exercise, I even get angry with myself. I think half my paintings look like blobs and they end up in the trash and again I'm usually not to pleased with myself.

Scientists are saying the blob is a big, almost circular mass of unusually warm water in the Pacific Ocean. It's been warmer then usual and that's whats been effecting the overly dry weather lately, causing drought and fires here in the Northwest.

Apparently it has more to do with the water not cooling down enough during the winter months, staying a few degrees warmer is effecting the atmosphere and the oceans ecosystem - big time.

The ramifications are far reaching and have become quite devastating, all do to a simple lack of cooling off...sure does sound familiar doesn't it.
Chill pill anyone?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2015

Re-pose...A state of rest or tranquility.
I use to dream of this place, I was going to live there...forever.

As a child I new it existed, somewhere...in the woods perhaps. 
I had been in the forest only a handful of times,
traveling from one place to another with my parents,
we were from the desert.

It was whimsical, full of life yet calming all at the same time. The feeling was beguiling. You say "What does a child know of such things," perhaps nothing, but it made and impression on me and I was smitten.

I would say, "When I grow up I'm going to live there."
As time went by I said, "When I get married I'm going to live there."
Then latter I said, "After the kids I'm going to live there."
But it never seemed like I was ever going to get there!

It's funny how we think that we can go to such a place or even visit it.
Yes, we can unwind and relax somewhere,
but a state of rest and tranquility is not found in a location
...it is a frame of mind.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Let It Rain

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2014
'Dance In The Rain'
Songs and poems have been written about its magic for centuries, both of its life giving flow and its destructive powers. You can romanticize it or view it as a downer but whether your a dreamer or a pessimist...rain is necessary.

I live in an area of the country that gets a lot of it...a lot.  Where I live is also exquisitely beautiful, ironically, it's splendor and charm are directly connected to the amount of rain that falls. Jurassic Park size evergreens, forests so dense and green they transport you to another world. Rivers packed with salmon and wildlife, lakes overflowing with geese and ducks, year round snow capped mountains and I haven't even begun to describe the opulence of this place.

I am not going to touch on the gloomy part of the rain...because I choose not to.  Living here has taught me that refined grace does not come for free. The rain is necessary, I've learned to see beyond the gray and behold the grander.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Heavens Glory

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Painting and Poem by Diana Crumpler
Copyright 1998
'Heavens Glory'
I've seen the heavens
in all of their splendor,
such vastness of color
and beauty they render.

In a glorious array
breathtaking to the eye,
horizons are hued
as evening draws nigh.

The mountains are dyed
in oceans of stain
and deserts are painted
composing their fame.

Within canyons of buildings,
who sees the sight...
That illuminates the sky
just moments before night.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Won't You Be My Neighbor

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2014
'The Duplex'
Back in the eighties my husband and I lived in a duplex for awhile which was a step up from apartment living.  It had a good size brick planter by the front door that I quickly filled with various types of flowers which made me very happy.

It felt more like a little house but with a neighbor attached, who ended up being a young lady with her son.  I fixed up my mini garden and she fixed up hers, it all looked quite nice as you walked up the sidewalk.

One day I came home to what appeared to be a blood bath on my front porch.  You couldn't see it from the sidewalk because the planter obscured the view but as I neared the patio it was clear something had been decimated at my front door.

I don't have to tell you my thoughts immediately went to my neighbor and her son.  They seemed so nice, what could possibly be the motivation behind this.

Some time went by but it happened again.  Why?  Other neighbors get chocolate chip cookies or an apple pie - but not me...I get leftovers from a 'Walking Dead' movie!

Turns out she had a cat who was very generous after hunting and in fact the most charitable neighbor that we have ever had.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The End

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2015

A little while ago I had to have a tooth pulled without anesthetics or any type of pain killer what so ever.  The reason was do to it hemorrhaging, long story behind why that happened...but the pain was off the charts to the point where nothing would work.
It was excruciating, it had to come out!

I completely understand why they like to use the idea of pulling someones teeth as a means of torture in movies - and real life! 
Then the tooth didn't want to budge, thankfully I had gone late in the day and there were no other patients waiting to be seen.  It would have been down right frightening for them to hear the sounds that were coming out of my room while waiting their turn in the crucifixion chair.

The doctor had to break the tooth up and drill the jaw bone to finally remove it all.  It took forever...the pain was indescribable.

Today I had a permanent bridge put in its place, it marks the end of a thirty year ordeal and the beauty's in the details, you can't even tell that part of my mouth has been touched or doctored.
But you and I both know - there's always a story behind every ending.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mid-Way Indifference

BumberShootStudio Paintings
A work in progress II

When I was ten I got inspired to do one of those latch hook kits, I was pumped about making something myself and new just the place I'd put it when finished...but something happened along the way.

That endeavor that was so exciting and meaningful to begin somehow lost its importance.  Pressing matters of life began to get in the way, other activities contended for my time, I just became to busy.

Ok whatever, I was ten, I don't think anyone ever finished those things anyway!

Truth is, mid-way through, I bot bored.

As adults we can find ourselves doing the very same thing, how many well intended projects lay waste in our closets and garage...half finished.

I stopped starting things and not finishing them, now when I begin a new exploit I always complete it.

Funny thing is, this has not really helped with clutter and the accumulation of stuff, I have the same amount of projects sitting in my closet and garage as I did before.  The only difference is...they're not started yet.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Come And Listen

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Painting and Poem by Diana Crumpler
Copyright 2001
'Come And Listen'
When the first rays of light
brake through the dawn of night,
tis then you'll hear the sound
of music all around.

Such joy within these songs
proclaimed both loud and strong,
that one can't help but hear
their rhythm far and near.

What melodies they'll share
with all who stop and care
to listen while the birds
sing lyrics without words.


Remember when the birds were gone...you would wake up in the morning to the sound of traffic and air conditioners in all the windows of countless sky scrapers so vast you could never see the horizon.  Trees do not grow in concrete canyons...so no birds, it was like they had vanished.  Ya, those where some days.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Work In Progress

BumberShootStudio Paintings
A work in progress
Looking at this image, one doesn't see much.  A piece of paper, some vertical lines that are green in color but nothing to impressive here at all. Why the watermark?  My grand-daughter draws better then that, the lines aren't even straight...

To see beyond the now, the potential of what something (or someone) can be is not always an easy thing to do.

I pain to show my 'before' work because I know others do not see what it is I have envisioned.  When I'm painting a piece I have purpose for each step, it does not just happen in one pass of the brush. Depth comes with layers, layers take time and are messy even down right agonizing!  Sometimes I get stuck or make a mistake and think "that's it - I've just ruined everything"...only to find later that my fumble could be used for something beautiful in the overall painting.

When you take another look, try to see the whole picture this time and that 'work in progress' will never look the same.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Not So Traditional

BumberShootStudio Paintings
Copyright 2014
'Leaf Abstract'
It really was not that long ago when sending and receiving letters through the mail was traditionally how we connected.  Yes we had phones but they didn't take away from that intimate relationship of pen and paper.

Today connecting with other people happens on screens with likes and followers, friends in circles and tweets we recapitulate...Who on earth thought that something with the word 'tweet' in it would ever be taken serious!

I must confess I have been slow to get on the band wagon, it was only when my youngest daughter married and moved away that I started a personal Instagram account.  Did I really want to be held up for my daughter to take a picture, have it processed then wait for the mail...only to be told later it got lost!

As alluring as technology is, none of  it will ever take away my infatuation with ink and paper, I am still hopelessly in love...It will only make it that much more treasured.

About Me

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Watercolor Artist and Owner of BumberShootStudio Paintings. Interested in any of my work? Come visit my shop in Etsy.... BumberShootStudio.Etsy.com

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